The OLALA CMS is used by a client to have his website running in minutes to hours (like any content management system) but it is actually a cloud based service because it runs only on our instances in cloud. You do not pay hosting, you pay a subscription that includes hosting, traffic and all upgrades. It means you never will worry about revamp the website, on the contrary, it will always look and behave based on last web standards.
You can associate with your website your domain name or you can buy a domain name from us via our website
DomainNameBestPrice. Soon you will be able to buy direct from this system and automatically have your domain linked to your website.
What companies runs their websites with us:
- warehouses with resellers and users that require specific level of visibility and prices (military and govt users)
- normal shops (big and small)
- events organizer with seats maps generation and real time ticket selling via website and android app (it is in 'sleep mode' because of COVID crises )
- tourism agencies (it is in 'sleep mode' because of COVID crises but has a version for these bad times)
- transport companies (tachograph translation - progress / beta)
- article directories
- cars dealers
- can be more....
What companies may run this system
- freight-logistic - global level (project in stand by)
- workplace management with time-sheets, incident reports, JSA, Docket Delivery and all necessary documents and reports (to be - project to be transferred from wp and customised for other of shore countries)