- Global (Website & Admin)
- Generic mapping module - maps on the fly points on an image to a specific action. It is canvas / HTML5 / pure JS based module used in Events & Spare parts (shop).
- Bulk operations no need CRON at all - system is not tight to a specific server and the new in build schedule allows bulk operations to run faster.
- All bulk operations sent notifications automatically when process was completed
- Ping Google and Bing can be done on demand anytime
- Generate invoices from subscriptions and create invoice by your own (as admin) - generate pdf and send to client
- Create payments - any value not only from a specific order / invoice
- Front end (website seen by internet users)
- Spare parts module was upgraded based on Generic mapping module - production tested and used. Extremely easy to use. It allows multiple schematics to be attached to a product & one schematic to be attached to multiple products. It is fully responsive.
- Events module was upgraded based on Generic mapping module - production tested and used. It allows website owner to set and reuse a map for an event (outdorr & indoor) to multiple events or ti the same event @ different dates. It is fully responsive.
- Layout - all images were replaced by icons
- Login page improved (full image background set from config area)
- My account - registered clients can see their own invoices & payments