The OLALA CMS is a highly customizable system that allow you to have the website running in minutes to hours.
You can associate with your website your domain name, or you can buy a domain name from us via our website
DomainNameBestPrice. Soon you will be able to buy direct from this system and automatically have your domain linked to your website.
OLALA CMS features:
- it is a SaaS solution - it means we take care of everything: hardware, software, database, updates. You just write content and add products.
- include third party providers: MYOB, SMS Central, PayPal and Australia post. If you need any payment gateway, courier or something else let us know and you will have it. Charges may occor.
- fully featured online shop and warehouse items management (spare parts - buy from diagram)
- fully featured events website for selling tickets (build your own seats maps)
- analytics, search, chatbot and predictions are in development (cognitive services in Azure)
What companies runs their websites with us:
- warehouses with resellers and users that require specific level of visibility and prices (military and govt users)
- normal shops (big and small)
- event organizer with seats maps generation and real time ticket selling via website (web app)
- tourism agencies (it is in 'sleep mode' because of COVID crises but has a version for these bad times)
- transport companies (tachograph translation - progress / beta)
- article directories
- cars dealers
What companies can run this system if requested:
- freight-logistic - local & global level
- workplace management with time-sheets, incident reports, JSA, Docket Delivery and all necessary documents and reports
System is continuously improved, and details are provided in News section.
The OLALA CMS allow you to have your presence on the internet very quick and professional (this website is running on it)
Prices start with $30/mo (all upgrades included)
Highly recommended for big websites with resellers (extremely good value for money)
System is proven to production websites with over 50,000 items and 11,000 active users.
Buy a subscription or subscription related services